Kids And laundry? You Bet!!!
If They Can Reach the Knob, They Are Old Enough For The Job!
Why not start early teaching your kids to do laundry? They are perfectly capable of learning how. They can master technical video games so they can master laundry.
My kids did their own laundry starting in Middle School. I believe it is one more way for them to be responsible and take care of what they have.
Here are some guidelines you can go by:
Do not include towels and wash cloths in their laundry. I learned this the hard way with sour towels. Other than those items, they are responsible for it all.
Get them a rolling laundry sorter and teach them how to sort their clothes. (whites, darks, colors)
Explain the dials and how to use them.
Show them what can be dried and what needs hanging up. Explain why & how.
Read the labels
Explain the importance of the size of the load. My son was the worst at trying to wash two loads at once. The life of your machines depend on this but it is easy enough to learn.
Show them how to measure out detergent and softeners.
Remember to check pockets!!!!!
Set aside a particular day that is their laundry day. This keeps siblings from getting in each other’s way.
Now that the laundry is washed and dried, show them how you want things folded and what hangs up in their closet.
Let them know that they are not finished until everything is put away properly. See my six year old grandson, Eli putting away his own laundry. Watch video Here. He does not wash and fold his own laundry yet, but he is responsible for putting it away properly.
Share with them a sense of pride for a job well done.
Beware: There may come a day when something does not get washed on time. This is not your problem, it is theirs! My son wore dirty socks to school one day because he did not wash his whites. It bothered me more than it did him. 8-O
If you find your child (most likely your teen) sniffing something before they wear it….keep walking! You have been liberated!
Now that you have freed up a chunk of your time during the week, reward yourself. Read a good book, take a long bubble bath!
Do your kids do their own laundry?
Do you have any funny stories to tell?
I can’t count the times that my son washed his wallet. It was a familiar site to see his drivers license and wallet drying on the counter-?
Pink t-shirts & socks? You should have sorted!!!
PS…..If your kids mess up on purpose so you will come to the rescue, don’t do it. You know your kids and their craftiness!