And the Winner of Let’s Get Organized’s Scavenger Hunt is…..
Patti O’Leary!!!
We had a fun video hangout last night for the drawing. Totally unscripted and we had a blast! Next time, this could be you!
You can learn more about Patti on Facebook She is a real source of encouragement. Please go like her page for me!
Watch our hangout!
Patti’s Submitted Answers:
Scavenger Hunt Questions
1. What type of bunnies do I dislike? DUST BUNNIES!
2. What is Small Wonders? Your first book!
3. What do I refer to as my “brain?” your planner, its what I call mine too!
4 What is the name of my new product line that I recently introduced? pool supply world, pool floats (on the side bar)
5. What did I make my granddaughters for Christmas this past year? Custom Barbie Furniture!
6. You are missing #6 J Haha
7. How should walking into your closet make you feel? Like a kid in a candy store!
8. What is it called to prepare your cell phone for emergencies? ICE, In Case of Emergencies!
9. When should you start teaching your child the skill of organizing? they are never too young, they learn what they see us do!
10. In what post do I refer to organizing is like wearing clean underwear? organizing kitchen drawers
11. What post makes it easy for you to purchase a toy box? kids products
12. Which Super star says that her label maker is her best friend? Christina Aguilera
13. What is something I put in my closet during a storm? Your computer
14. How does a chaotic and cluttered bedroom make you feel? wired and tired
15. How can you buy products from my site? or from suggested lists
2 extra entries: If you can say you have purchased from this site before. What did you buy? Sorry, haven’t purchased from your site.
5 extra entries: If you purchase something during this Scavenger hunt. What did you buy? I would like to see some bedspreads